Im bulgarischen Geflecht von Politik, Wirtschaft und Organisierter Kriminalität
Jürgen Roth, Experte für Korruption und Organisierte Kriminalität, in Sofia
Helikon heißt die größte Buchhandlung der bulgarischen Hauptstadt Sofia, sie befindet sich in einem ehemaligen Kino in unmittelbarer Nähe zum noblen Boulevard Vitoscha. Ihre spiralförmig aufsteigenden Verkaufsetagen ergeben bei Buchpräsentationen das Ambiente eines antiken Forums; an diesem Donnerstagabend im November sitzt der Frankfurter Autor"Herr Roth, Sie befinden sich in der Höhle des Löwen", habe ihm am Morgen noch ein ehemaliger in Sofia tätiger Diplomat und Informant seines Buches per E-mail geschrieben, verrät Roth dem Publikum zu Beginn der Veranstaltung. Tatsächlich wird ihm bei der Buchvorstellung, wie überhaupt während seines dreitägigen Aufenthalts in Sofia, nicht ungeteilte Zustimmung zuteil, sondern auch harsche Kritik.
Gleich zu Beginn der Diskussion ergreift die prominente, wegen ihrer orthodox sozialistischen Weltsicht umstrittene Journalistin Velislava Dareva das Wort. Mit triumphaler Geste weist sie Roth auf in seinem Buch vorhandene Fehler hin und schenkt ihm ein Buch. "Bevor ein Autor zu schreiben beginnt, sollte er lesen!", giftet sie Roth an. Darevas Feindseligkeit erregt Protest im Auditorium, unter einem Teil der Zuschauer kann Roth mit Sympathie rechnen. "Herr Roth, wie fühlen Sie sich in der Höhle des Löwen", fragt einer. "Ich habe mich in Sofia immer wohl gefühlt", antwortet der. Über viele Jahre hinweg hat er Bulgarien auf Recherchereisen kennengelernt.
"Wie kommen Sie als Deutscher dazu, ein Buch über Bulgarien zu schreiben", fragt eine sich als Schriftstellerin vorstellende Frau. "Wir alle sind Bürger der Europäischen Union, so ist es normal, wenn ein auf das Phänomen grenzüberschreitender Kriminalität spezialisierten Autor, sich auch mit anderen Ländern befasst", erklärt sich Roth. Nach der Lesung bildet sich eine lange Schlage von Buchkäufern, die ihr Exemplar signiert haben wollen. Eine Woche nach ihrem Erscheinen liegen "Die Neuen Bulgarischen Dämonen" auf Platz 1 der nationalen Rangliste verkaufter Bücher.
Schmähungen, Drohungen, Entschuldigungen
Die Popularität von Roths Buch muss einigen der in ihm beschriebenen Akteure missfallen. Mit der größten Wut reagiert Ex-Innenminister Rumen Petkov, dessen Wirken als Bürgermeiser der Stadt Pleven in Roths Buch breiten Raum einnimmt. Im April musste Petkov wegen bekanntgewordener Kontakte zu den als zwielichtig geltenden "Gebrüdern Galevi" seinen Ministerhut nehmen, nun droht er Roth Verleumdungsklage an und beschimpft ihn über die Medien als Lügner, "dem man auf die Finger und alle anderen Körperteile hauen sollte". Nationale und internationale Journalistenvereinigungen wie Reporter ohne Grenzen protestieren gegen Pekovs Ausfälle. Erst Ende September wurde der Chefredakteur des Online-Portals
Journalisten aller Arten von Medien überreichen sich Jürgen Roth von Interviewtermin zu Interviewtermin. Der populäre Moderator Georgi Koritarov führt ihn in seiner Frühstücksendung "Sdravei Bulgaria (Guten Morgen, Bulgarien) im privaten Fernsehkanal Nova TV regelrecht vor, stellt ausschließlich auf tatsächliche und vermeintliche Schwachstellen seines Buches ab. Später beglückwünscht Rumen Petkov Koritarov, der in kommunistischer Zeit als Agent Albert der bulgarischen Staatssicherheit zugetragen hat, für seinen wenig zimperlichen Umgang mit dem deutschen Journalisten.
Eine gänzlich andere Strategie als Petkov verfolgt Sofias Bürgermeister Boiko Borissov im Umgang mit Roth. Der beschreibt in seinem Buch Borissovs Geschäftsbeziehungen in den 1990er Jahren zu als mafiös geltenden "Businessmen" und kritisiert, als Hauptsekretär im Innenministerium von 2001 bis 2005 habe Borissov kaum zur Verbrechensbekämpfung beigetragen. Noch kurz vor der Abreise nach Deutschland besucht Roth Borissov am Freitag; im Anschluss daran veröffentlicht Borissovs Pressestelle eine Erklärung, wonach Roth nunmehr von Borissovs Verdiensten überzeugt sei, und zitiert ihn mit den Worten: "Von heute an bin ich sein Unterstützer und wenn ich könnte, würde ich die Partei wählen, dessen Führer Herr Borissov ist." Borissov hegt Ambitionen, bei der im Juni 2009 anstehenden Parlamentswahl Ministerpräsident zu werden und hat Umfragen zufolge gute Chancen. "Die mir zugeschriebenen Worte sind völliger Unfug", dementiert Roth aus Frankfurt umgehend und sagt später auf Anfrage: "Ich hoffe, Boiko Borrissov war nicht für den Text der Presseerklärung verantwortlich, denn ansonsten wäre es reine Dummheit mit dem Ziel, meine sicher umstrittene Person zu diskreditieren."
"Entschuldigen Sie, Herr Roth", war am darauffolgenden Dienstag ein Kommentar von Milen Radev in
Zur WAZ-Gruppe gehörende Zeitungen beteiligen sich an der Schmähkampagne
Mit konkreter Kritik an Roths "Neuen Bulgarischen Dämonen" hält sich Kevorkian nicht auf, konzentriert sich ganz auf dessen pauschale Verdammung, bezeichnet "Jürgen den Roten" abwechselnd als "krank" und als "Lügner" und befindet: "Koritarov hat den roten Lügner zurecht zermalmt". In der Ära des Sozialismus so schreibt Kevorkian, hätte Roth Renommée erringen können, sei seine Herangehensweise doch "typisch für die bolschewistische Propaganda". Aus Kevorkians Feder muss dieser Befund überraschen, war er in der kommunistischen Volksrepublik Bulgarien doch nicht nur eine staatstragende Figur als Moderator, sondern auch als Inoffizieller Mitarbeiter der Staatssicherheit.
Kevorkians Text weckt Erinnerungen an die sogenannte Batak-Affäre vor eineinhalb Jahren. Anhand eines berühmten Gemäldes, das das 1876 in dem Rhodopenstädtchen Batak von Türken an der bulgarischen Bevölkerung verübte Massakers darstellt, wollte Baleva eine kunsthistorische Diskussion über den "Mythos Batak" anregen. Viele bulgarische Medien, allen voran die zur WAZ-Gruppe gehörenden Tageszeitungen Trud und 24 Tschassa (Stunden) brandmarkten die bulgarische, an der FU Berlin wirkende Kunsthistorikerin Martina Baleva dafür als "Verräterin an der nationalen Kausa". Westliche Medien kritisierten die WAZ-Blätter für den Kampagnenjournalismus, der für Baleva bedrohliche Ausmaße annahm. Daraufhin kündigte WAZ-Chef Bodo Hombach an, die WAZ müsse ihren bisherigen Grundsatz der Nicht-Einmischung in die redaktionelle Linie ihrer bulgarischen Medien überdenken und verstärkt auf die Einhaltung der Standards der journalistischen Ethik achten. Vor wenigen Wochen organisierte die WAZ in Sofia noch einen internationalen Kongress zu dem Thema, nun muss Kevorkians Schmähartikel Zweifel wecken, inwieweit ethische Standards in der redaktionellen Arbeit der Trud verankert sind.
Um eine Stellungnahme zu dieser Frage gebeten, verlautete WAZ-Unternehmenssprecher Paul Binder.
Für den Inhalt unserer Zeitungen sind die Chefredakteure verantwortlich, was selbstverständlich auch für den Kommentar von Kevork Kevorkian gilt. Unser Haus respektiert die redaktionelle Freiheit, solange nicht gegen die freiwillige Selbstverpflichtung bzw. die ´Grundsätze zur Garantie redaktioneller Unabhängigkeit`, die wir mit der OSZE im Juli 2003 unterzeichnet haben, verstoßen wird. Das können wir in diesem Fall nicht erkennen. Darüber hinaus ist Jürgen Roth, dessen Buch von Herrn Kevorkian kommentiert wurde, bekanntermaßen ein äußerst kritischer Journalist, der hart austeilt. Wir nehmen nicht an, dass er überempfindlich ist.
Paul Binder
Jürgen Roth ist längst wieder in Frankfurt, doch sein Buch schlägt in Sofia weiter Wellen. Am vergangenen Freitag wurde der Frühstücksmoderator Georgi Koritarov von Nova TV unter dem Vorwurf des "Mangels an journalistischem Pluralismus und Missbrauch seines Sendeplatzes zur Verfolgung persönlicher Ziele" fristlos entlassen. Anlass für den Rausschmiss war ein Interview Koritarovs mit der Geschäftsführerin des Fernwärmeunternehmens der Stadt Pravets, Svetla Vassileva. Diese bekannte sich als Informantin von Jürgen Roth und bekräftigte Passagen in dessen Buch, wonach Pravets "die erste private Stadt" des Chefs des Mineralölunternehmens Lukoil Bulgaria, Valentin Slatev, sei.
Slatev baut in Pravets derzeit einen Golfplatz und wird in Bulgarien aufgrund seines Vermögens zur Kaste der Oligarchen gezählt. Nach Ausstrahlung der Sendung schrieb Slatev in einem Brief an die Geschäftsführung von Nova TV, Koritarov habe in den letzten Wochen vergebens versucht, ihn zu einem gemeinsamen Immobiliengeschäft überreden wollen. So sei das ausgestrahlte Interview mit Svetla Vassileva als Retourkutsche zu verstehen. Kann es tatsächlich sein, dass Koritarov seinen Sendeplatz für persönliche Zwecke missbrauchte oder aber ist Slatevs Brief ein Paradebeispiel der Einflussnahme eines Oligarchen zur Beseitigung eines kritischen Journalisten? Darüber wird in Sofia nun gestritten.
Zumindest in Koritarovs Augen hat Jürgen Roth inzwischen eine Rehabilitierung erfahren. "Ich muss mich bei Jürgen Roth entschuldigen. Mein professionelles Schicksal zeigt, dass er mit seinem Buch recht hat", sagte Koritarov nach seiner Kündigung. Die kontroverse Aufnahme seines Buchs in Bulgarien begrüßt Jürgen Roth: "Es kommt selten vor, dass ein Buch eine heftige Diskussion auslöst, dieses hat es gemacht und das ist das Wichtigste", sagt er und versichert, eine deutsche Ausgabe des Buchs werde erscheinen.
Labels: Im bulgarischen Geflecht von Politik, Wirtschaft und Organisierter Kriminalität
3 Kommentare:
Lukoil-Oligarch von Sofia
A sponsor of Gotse has transformed Pravets into a private town. Purvanov appoints some people of Zlatev as bosses in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Zlatevs, who are Vassil Zlatev-father being a Mayor of Pravets for a long period during the time of Todor Zhivkov and Valentin Zlatev-son, who is already ten years a General Director of Lukoil Bulgaria Ltd have purchased a large part of the municipal property in Pravets. As per the information of sources from Ataka newspaper, who asked for anonymity, the Zlatevs by some manipulations of the elections has managed to appoint close friends of them as mayors as well as in undisguised manner they has determined the appointment of some officer in the municipal structures, ignoring the interests of the residents of the municipality. Again, according to the information by the newspaper, the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Police refuse to investigate the deals of many companies of the Zlatevs, because everybody is aware that the later are protected by the police from the very top of the State Pyramid, i.e. personally by the President Georgy Purvanov, who is sponsored by Zlatev. These close connections and the support to the Family by some members of the political elite are continuously imposed and demonstrated before the public aiming to horrify and to de-motivate the citizens to claim for their rights and to ask questions regarding the violations of the law in the town. By the means of some other manipulations the Zlatevs robbed Pravets dam under a concession contract with the municipality of Pravets, which is actually not an owner of the dam. Some people familiar with the facts claim that the Pravets dam is a state ownership. The dam infrastructure and its irrigation and drainage constructions are owned by the state enterprise Irrigation Systems. In the telecast ?Na chisto (Fair)? on 4 May 2008 by Nova TV Trifon Trifonov, who is former member of the Municipal Council and a Director of Professional School for Computer Technologies in Pravets said that the water level of Pravets dam is lowered, thus increasing the land free from the water. By such tricks the Family together with the Mayor Krassimir Zhivkov determine new borders of the servitude, thus allowing to register the ?released? territories again as municipal ones in order to be sold to the Zlatevs ( see the fax hereto). Simultaneously, the Mayor of Pravets approved a project for a golf facility with a golf playground, hotel part, individual villas and block of flats located on the newly occurred free lands and the construction is already commenced. Last year the members of the High Administrative Court issued a decision N 6430 dated 21 June 2007 for cancellation of the incompetent decision of the Municipal Council of Pravets on the grounds of which the dam is leased under concession. The decision of the High Administrative Court is an explicit decision issued by the highest instance. What does it practically mean? It proves that the acts issued by the municipality, respectively by the Mayor, are void, because they contradict to the law and that the Pravets dam is owned by the State and the servitude and the adjacent lands are also state ownership. The borders of this servitude and the lands are the old effective ones. What does practically happen? Currently, the Zlatevs execute a private project for golf playground situated on a land owned by the State. The same family controls illegally the Pravets dam. All water derivations have been destroyed as well as the rowing facilities owned by the Technical University-Sofia. The state-owned land is seized and the Zlatevs abuses of rights for private benefits. The water of the dam is used for free of charge irrigation. Actually, this is not the only violation. In the area fenced for golf facility there are some private estates situated that are not purchased by the Zlatevs yet. The owners of these estates could not neither access nor to use them, because the Family installed barriers and hired armed guards. The same is valid for the rowing facility of the Technical University-Sofia, which is involved within the area. The municipal roads are ?occupied" and in fact they already do not have the status of municipal ownership. As a matter of fact, the region in Pravets located around the dam, is criminally usurped by the Zlatevs, but the State institutions, which are authorized to terminate the construction and to restore the access of the citizens to their property, do not undertake any actions in this regard. In Pravets the Zlatevs together with the Municipality implement one of the most popular and modern schemes for ?conversion? of state and municipal public ownership into private one just for chicken?s feed. As per some information sources, which are well familiar with the situation in the town, the model is faultless. How does it happen in practice? Joint-venture companies are established between the family and municipality. The municipality participates in these companies with an in-kind contribution. Thus, for several years approximately all public buildings constructed in Pravets during the time of Todor Zhivkov, such as Sports facilities, Pravets Palace Hotel, Student Hostels, Junior club with the square in front of its etc. as well as some other companies are entered as an in-kind contribution into the University Real Estate registered under corporate file 58/2002 of the Capital Municipal Council. What does happen after that? The private company increases the capital and the municipal share is drastically reduced. Currently, the share of the municipality in the joint-venture companies with the Family is reduced up to 33%. In this way, for chicken?s feed and by very simple financial schemes Zlatev became ?fist-class investor? in the town acquiring approximately the entire municipal ownership, the current market cost of which is not less than BGN 100 million. The last such example is related to the in-kind contribution of the municipality in the gas company Pravegas 1 JSC. According to the revision of the Agency for State Financial Inspection, quoted in report FI 5 ??- 0011/23.11.2007, the assessment of the in-kind contribution has been lowered. The budget spends BGN 170 000, which under a special scheme are converted into BGN 67 000. On the other hand, the Prosecutor?s Office has found out /see prosecutor's correspondence 43416/2006 of the Sofia Regional Prosecutor?s Office/, that a part of the certified court experts have not made and have not been even aware and have not signed such an assessment!!! As per some information sources from Ataka, under such similar schemes the municipal Water and Sewage company is currently prepared for ?sale? or ?privatization?. Recently, the Municipal Council voted to be granted 17 decares by the Technical University for construction of sport facility. The partner of the municipality is well known in advance, i.e. these are the Zlatevs again. The atmosphere in the town is depressing and fear and scepticism dominate there. The people are scared to claim for their rights even they have voluntary abdicated from their legal civil rights, because the people in the town say that the institutions that should guarantee them, i.e. police, prosecutor?s office and municipality work for the Zlatev. The State is missing in Pravets. There are political and power umbrellas over the already made and current unlawful actions. Instead the Regional Police Office to guard the public order in the town it acts as a security company of Zlatev. The four cars driven by the managers of the police office are owned by Lukoil company. Some experts say that in the Zlatev's cortege a special device is installed muffling the neighbour cell phones. It is a ?public? secret? that Zlatev promotes his people directly and unscrupulously. He has appointed the boss of his own private hunting facility as a Director of the Regional Forestry Board in Botevgrad, thus ensuring a comfort of his entire activity related to the hunting and timber industry. The senior professionals in the Ministry of internal affairs, for whose appointment the President Pervanov is personally in charge, are people from the town of Pravets and Bugras /Lukoil-Neftohim/. Such people are the former Chief Secretary Valentin Petrov, the boss of the National Police Krassimir Petrov, the present Chief Secretary Pavlin Dimitrov. Without any assessment of the impact on the ?ecosystem of the animals? over 15 000 decares of forests are occupied by the Family. Inside the zone there are also some private forests robbed. Their owners have no access to the estates except with a ?special? greatest permit by Zlatev. The frequent visits and stays of Georgy Purvanov and some other members of the political elite of the country confuse the understanding of the people in view of laws and legality. The Pravets public is continuously attacked by and information on the friendly connections and close relationships of the Zlatevs with the top politicians such as Georgy Purvanov. Their endless hunter achievements are well known in the region of Pravets and Etropole
The shady affair with the Pravets gasification.
Since many years the municipality of Pravets has tried to obtain from the State free of charge the District Heating Company. Probably, the long-term goal is the company to be transferred for chicken’s feed to the Zlatevs family. However, the State refuses to “grant” the District Heating Company to the Municipality. In 2004 during a basketball game the Mayor of Pravets, thanks to the interceding of Valentin Zlatev, scrounged from the Ministry of Finance BGN 170 000 for gasification purposes. As a result of this, some gas supply pipelines have been constructed and operated without any State approval. It does not matter that these are facilities of high risk and gas is supplied through them. The money provided by the budget for gasification of schools and kinder gardens have been used for construction of gas supply pipelines to private buildings, the most part of which are owned by some companies of Zlatevs. Such estates are Pravets Palace Hotel, Sport Facility, Student Hostel. It happens that the budget subsidies the family. The construction breaches the civil construction norms and there is a number of orders issued by the Regional Directorate for National Construction Supervision /attached hereto/ for termination of the construction activities. However, nobody intends to stop it. Just on the contrary, the Municipality has established Pravesgaz JSC, which has an in-kind contribution into the constructed gas pipelines and the estimated cost of these facilities is BGN 67 000. The assessment made by certified court experts has been examined by the public prosecutor’s office / prosecutor’s correspondence materials 43416/2006 of the Sofia Regional Public Prosecutor’s Office/. Two out of the three certified court experts claimed they have never made a detailed assessment. In such case the Municipality participates in a company established by means of false expert statements and documents, which misled the court when establishing the company. The citizens of Pravets are aware that during a very long period of time the private estates of the Zlatevs were connected to the municipal gas pipelines without any gas meters installed and not paying for the consumed gas. With the assistance of the Zlatevs the Mayor of Pravets has managed little by little to re-direct all clients of the District Heating Company to the gas supply when depriving the public of cheep energy. The fact that every public building of Pravets has also a gas boiler and user station installed does not matter for them. They just replaced one monopoly by another one and the only difference is that the gas monopoly is controlled by them. On the other hand, the district heating company is doomed to stop operation, because the Family has not managed to take it free from the State. In spite the pressure and all gerrymandering the owners of District Heating Company want and try to operate it, but at the end of June these year the pipeline supplying gas to them was cut off. They have not been asked for their opinion. This is first time when such curious happens in Bulgaria, i.e. to cut off a gas pipeline. It seems that there is no need the district heating to operate and to generate current and heat, because it is not owned by the Family. In April the owners of the Company informed BTA that the intended encroachment is dangerous because it could cause a gas leakage and some other accidents. However, it does not impresse much neither the Zlatevs, nor the Mayor of Pravets, nor the satellite Pravegas 1, who defy the law. The owners of the District Heating Company has lodged complains, but neither the Public Prosecutor’s Office, nor the police have undertaken any actions in this regard.
It is possible that a dummy state exist ? „Yes” and „No”? Seemingly the contradiction can not be over came. But is that inreality and where the borders of absurd are! Let us frame the terms and we shall see what will come out. The window dressing, in general is a set of objects for decoration, similar to the real ones, used for decoration and show. Understanding the a state as a unity of territory, population and state’s authorities, and looking at the country we live in, we make the following statement: the territory of approximately of 111 thousand km² and population of approximately 7,5 millions / in this case is really existing historically, in others words there are no signs for fake. Do a population and territory make a state? Absolutely NOT! The state’s authorities – this is where we can find out or reject the thesis for existence of a dummy state. Thus the state’s authorities – executive, legislative and judicial. And may be there is a sense first of all to follow the process of selecting the representatives of the legislative and executive authorities. Probably you will agree with my opinion that during the last local elections in most cases the marionettes, people who are dependent on those who bough for their account and for their benefit the vote of the so vereign have been The elections them selves were a pure insult for the electors. The elector has been forced to choose not values, ideas or governing programs , but permanently and dynamically regrouping interests. In either case, we can talk about an acting mechanism for control of the electors , those 20% ( strongly supporters) and 20% of the hesitating group that is keen on, roughly said, “prostituting” though their vote or more softly those who are selling their vote to those who are proposing the better price, which is controlling the 60% group. The result of the already imposed model is as follows: The elections are not important any more and as aconsequence the percentage of those who abstain from voting is increased. The deep point of the phenomen on is so called “agreement of the top-drawers”, which we observed at their last attach of the power – incredible and exotic coalitions formed locally, which is against any political logic. Practically, the ruling and the opposition took the role of dummies due to their participation to one degree or another in the executive power. In fact the democratic government disappeared not only because the Right was smashed and because the borders were blurred and it was gone too far. The excuse of the moderators of the process was that it was about breaking the two vicious pole model, provided a scene for the agreement of the top – drawers, demonstrated by an undistinguished pursuit of surviving in the bosom of the power with all means and at all costs. Now it can not be denied that the elections were and are becoming a puppetshow , imposed and organized by the top- drawers with the passive ( those who have not voted) and active (those who have sold their vote ) participation of the sovereign. The political process itself is also turning into a puppet show. Actually as ridiculous as it may sound there is no choice. The political programmes of separate political individuals are not anymore an expression of their will, rather than bait when hunting for elector’s votes. The latter is not very embarrassed due to the high aggressiveness of the electors. According the common understanding for political activity, it should serve for the general welt fare, protect national values and solve conflicts. However, the politicians, in their capacity of moderators of the political are not capable of having a dialogue with their electors, as long as the gap between both sides has assumed incredible dimensions. Not only didn’t they cooperate in solving , but they also generate them. What is happening wouldn’t be different or something new as long as the political power is in the hand of the three-partite coalition. This coalition, and the previous one since 2001 now demonstrate the features of the “distributing” one as defined in the Rise and Decline of Nations by M. Olson. What is typical for a similar specific group? First of all, it is the pursuit of the bigger amount of the national wealth, using illegal methods. And mostly the political power! Eventually, the oligarchy elite through the government will impose and protect it interests disguised as “state” interests. The social price of this process of redistribution is high, which is robbing the population that is excluded by the distributive coalition. Upon these processes the public and institutional frame will be replaced, the publicity will disappear, and the civil control will become impossible. For example, the privatization as a process is carried out in private, where the private interest meets the state’s representatives. The media is seeking only sensation in these relations, and the public plays their allotted role of a spectator. The situation with the procedure of so called public procurement procedures is the same. In other words the political objectives and means dominate also in the economic life. This leads to a change in the form of the political rationality, as well as vitiation of the term such as profit and efficiency. We witness the imitation of the functioning of the free market economy or the fake. In fact the state through distributive coalition wants and exercise as strong as possible control on the economic processes and private business, as in the same time its functions in the education, culture, health, juvenile sports, etc. is withdrawn. . The state , administration or bureaucracy, which should be at equal distance from the state and the citizens , being loyal and competent to guarantee the public and state interest and keep the balance between them, is supposed to be independent and unchangeable. Is that the situation in Bulgaria. At every change of the ruling elites, nation-wide personnel revolutions happen. Thus those who become state’s officials are relatives, political co-workers, political friends, etc. The competence is lost, the loyalty to the state and public interests are replaced by private interests of the parallel power. The distribution itself of the power ( executive, legislative and judicial) is intended not for mutual control, but to use the gained power for one’s own interests. There is already a term “façade democracy” as an expression of the mistrust in the institutions, political parties and politicians. In the illusionary democracy the place of the well functioning official institutions is taken by non-formal clientelism, corruption reaching the level of the state’s policy and mode of functioning of the state’s institutions. Observing the work of the legislator for the last years, we can not deny that it has became illusionary. Otherwise how can we call the legislative procedures – basic regulations, defining the borders of the public relations and the public contract – implemented through non legally sound representation such as voting with another’s voting card. If we have viciousness as well as the fameexisting upon creation of legal regulations, could then we make a conclusion that they cause real rights and obligations for sovereign and institutions? It is strange but I have not seen anywhere comments on this aspect of fake. As soon as the regulations are created, they are subject to correction, repairs , thus contradicting to the already existing and creating an artistic regulative chaos. The judicial power is also part of the fake of the power. The Justice authorities are wrapped in procedures, thousands of unsolved legal cases, long and ineffective process. Cases of breaching the human rights of Bulgarian citizens by Bulgarian institutions and regulation, being legal madness are not rare. The freedom of speech and mass media has chosen to exist in the so called uncontrolled areas – The Internet.The print and massmedia happen to be in the power of the “yellow” sensational and perfunctional news , chalga ( Translator’s note Chalga is a form of Bulgarian music and reality shows. It comes to the paradox of the crooked mirror, where a version, investigation, deviation distributed by the politicians and the official media in fact are real and proven by the reality. a mixture of Balkan folk, incorporating a blend of Arabic, Turkish, Greek, and Roma (Gypsy) influences, as well as motifs from Balkan traditional music, even flamenco and klezmer music. It is known for repeating musical themes and dance rhythms and its style of dancing called kyucheck (belly dance) in Bulgarian) Brought to absurd the fake of the institutions, the political process , the state in general, may be is partially hidden in the manner of imposing or settling the freedom and democracy– when everything was set, as well as the lack of democratic tradition and culture. However, I always ask myself where this will bring us to and who are the “restrictors” of the process in order to protect the society against the destructive decay of the institutionalism. Since, at least to me, there is not morality in the accepting the poverty, the homeless, the beggars, the vagrants, the drug addiction, children in the orphanage homes, dirt, ecological pollution, crime illegal construction, misuse and abuse of political power, and so on and so on, and accepting all this as a part of the scenery, part of our everyday life. I don’t accept either the primitive explanation, excuse that this is part of the transition price. Neither do I accept that the dummy state, which surprisingly or not, it has turned out that it is existed. It is existed on the political map of Europe today in XXI century…
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